One of the greatest collection of photos we have in our nation's history is a group of over 1,000 tintypes and daguerrotypes of both Union and CSA soldiers from 1861-1864. The Library of Congress has made them available to the public, and we wanted to share some of our favorites. Scroll down and hit Next Page to see the full collection.
Corporal John Morton Booker of Co. I, 23rd Virginia Infantry Regiment, in uniform with Bowie knife, flintlock pistol, and tin drum canteen with his name on it
Three unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms with swords
Private Hiram M. Kersey, 44th Iowa Infantry regiment, standing on rug with bayonet, knife, revolver, and cartridge box
Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat holding Company G, 12th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment forage cap next to unidentified woman in front of an American flag
Private James M. Bash of Company E, 67th Pennsylvania Volunteers in uniform with bayoneted musket
Unidentified African American soldier in Union cavalry uniform with cavalry saber in front of painted backdrop showing landscape
Private John Ryan of Company H, 2nd Rhode Island Infantry Regiment in uniform with shoulder scales
Three unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms with swords
Felix Thompson of Company H, 1st Missouri Cavalry Regiment with pistols and sabre
Private Levi F. Hocker of Co. F, 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment, in uniform with pistol and sword, on horseback
Private William Liming of Co. B, 21st U.S. Veteran Reserve Corps Infantry Regiment, and unidentified soldier in same uniform
Lieutenant William Sharpe Barnes, F Company, 4th North Carolina Infantry in frock coat
Two unidentified soldiers in Mississippi battle shirts with double barrel shotguns, knives, and powder horns
Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and Georgia state seal belt buckle with musket
Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and his wife, Sarah A. Dasher
Three unidentified soldiers in Confederate uniforms
Private John P. Alldredge of Co. A, 48th Alabama Infantry Regiment in uniform and wishbone belt buckle with Model 1842 rifle musket, revolver, and side knife
Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with shotgun sitting next to dog
Corporal John Morton Booker of Co. I, 23rd Virginia Infantry Regiment, in uniform with Bowie knife, flintlock pistol, and tin drum canteen with his name on it
Lieutenant Robert Pryor James of Co. E, 20th North Carolina Infantry Regiment with sword in front of painted backdrop showing sailboats near forested coastline
Private J.P. Robertson of Co. I, 12th South Carolina Infantry Regiment, in uniform with musket
Lieutenant Thomas S. McLane of Co. A, 41st Georgia Infantry Regiment, in uniform with sword
Lieutenant Smith Whitfield of Co. B, 24th Tennessee Infantry Regiment in uniform
Private William Baxter Ott of Co. I, 4th Virginia Infantry Regiment, in uniform with musket
Private Elijah S. Leach of Co. B, 31st Virginia Infantry Regiment in uniform with musket, cap box, and haversack
Confederate soldier identified as Jonathan Sweet of Meridian, Mississippi, with pistol and Bowie knife
Private James W. McCulloch of Co. E, 7th Georgia Infantry Regiment holding wooden canteen, with lock of hair, obituary, and poem in case
Private Benjamin W. Varnell of Co. B, 1st Texas Cavalry Regiment in uniform with plumed hat
Sergeant Elijah McClanahan Ingles of Co. G, 4th Virginia Infantry Regiment in uniform, cap with "WF" (Wise Fencibles), and Virginia seal belt buckle
Unidentified young soldier in Union uniform and forage cap
Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and fez with bayoneted musket in front of painted backdrop showing American flag
Unidentified young soldier in Union uniform next to chair draped with overcoat